Plurality of Words

Plurality of Words is a weekly newsletter from Danny Wardle covering politics, philosophy and public policy with a slight emphasis on Australian politics. I aim to publish one article per week.

My aim is to write concise and accessible articles that get into the weeds of different political arguments, philosophical views (particularly concerning topics of interest to the wider public) and policy positions. I am particularly interested in covering socialist and left-wing politics more generally, so I intend to write a lot about nationalisation, welfare, trade unions and social justice issues.

Every article I post is available to read for free and I do not ask for paid subscriptions.

About the Author

I’m Danny Wardle and this is my blog about politics, philosophy and public policy. I’m philosophy PhD candidate at the Australian National University. Before that, I completed an MPhil and a BA (Adv.) at the University of Adelaide.

I’ve written a few articles for Jacobin and a very long time ago I wrote a few pieces for Red Flag covering the potential collapse of the Whyalla steelworks.

You can follow me on Twitter/X at @maximalworm or check out my personal website

What’s with the name?

The name Plurality of Words is a nod to David Lewis’ book Plurality of Worlds and reflects both my interest in writing about a range of different topics here and my academic background in analytic metaphysics.

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Weekly musings on politics, philosophy and policy


Philosophy PhD Candidate at the Australian National University • Writes about politics, philosophy and public policy